Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meltdowns and WoW

So the past two weeks I've been suffering from meltdowns. Yeah I go into the fetal position and start crying, sobbing even and just wishing I could just be at home with many of the people that I love....but there is a slight problem with that....
I have quite a few friends who play WoW...I used to and I don't anymore....nor do I have much of a desire to ever start up again. Because I know if I start playing I'm going to do something to piss off some super serious player that takes WoW way too seriously and then I'm going to get angry and shut down and leave causing other people to go "what the fuck".
Now WoW isn't necessarily a bad thing but I honestly think people take it WAY to seriously and its like...have we forgotten that it is just a game?
It seems to me a lot of people have.
Which is one of the biggest things that bothers me.
And its addicting. Trust me I know...and sometimes I think that people play it to the point of insanity.
Also I can NEVER get a hold of anyone when they are sucked into Azeroth.
That is something that bothers me.
Yeah I'm like three hours away from a lot of people but still.When someone is on WoW and I need/want to get a hold of them for some reason or other it is DAMNED near impossible to get a hold of them. Which is an issue. I mean what if I am having an emotional breakdown or I'm in trouble and I really need someone to talk to and I can't get a hold of them? No wonder I bottle things up and keep a wall around me sometimes. I mean I have had so many fucking meltdowns these past two weeks and I've only told my friends about one. Mostly because I can hardly get a hold of them.
When that happens I feel like I am just not important or that WoW is more important than a human being. Yeah I know there is work and what not and that is understandable...but WoW? Seriously?
Maybe I'm just being a selfish spoiled little person who get sad when she doesn't get attention...
Yeah...that's it...I'm just a fucking selfish and I pout and get angry when people aren't paying attention to me...
Yup that about sums it up.