Monday, October 31, 2011

Teaser for Frankie fic (Peaches)

This is mostly for Cougarbelle but if you ladies want you all can read it as well. This is only a teaser. ;) Enjoy!!!

“Frankie…” She breathed but before she knew what she was doing she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard with a small moan. Frankie was a bit surprised at the action but smiled a bit against her lips as he pulled her frame close to his. The sweetness of the peach lingered on her lips and he made quick work of trailing his tongue across her lips before forcing it past hers, not that she minded because when he poked his tongue at her lips they parted eagerly for him. Her mouth not only was moist and warm for him but she tasted like peaches. The hint of flavor made him crave a peach as well so he pulled away slightly running his tongue down the corner of her lips to her chin to taste the peach juices. Cyndy’s eyes shone a brilliant green now as she smiled at him. He smiled back at her taking her hand that held the peach in it before raising the fruit to his lips. He took a big bite out of it and slowly munched upon the bite with a grin upon his face. Now peach juices dribbled down his chin into his facial hair. Eagerly Cyndy leaned forward licking the trail of juice that had dribbled down his chin before she kissed him again. As she pressed her lips to his he swallowed the peach bite before returning her affections. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Screw up

So yeah...I've screwed up majorly here....
I apparently am a procrastinator...a hardcore procrastinator...and I neglected to give away a shift at work so I could do this event over at my college...
So I can't call out from work because I am afraid that I will get fired but I am also afraid to not show up to this event tonight and tomorrow for school. Granted it is not for a grade but I neglected to take care of my shift at work before applying for this event. So I have had to email one of the producers for it and tell her I am unable to do the event...I have yet to get a reply from her which is totally freaking me out and making me panic right now...
I let her know last minute that I couldn't do it because I could not get out of work. I feel so terrible about it and I am afraid she will hold it against me...I haven't stopped praying that things will work out all right and so far there is no sign of that being apparent...

Thursday, October 27, 2011


So...I'm starting to realize that there is more wrong with me that I think...I could seriously sit here and list all of my flaws and why I have periods of self loathing and completely forget all of the good things about me.
Recently I have noticed that I'm more abrasive and I just act without thinking first and I speak without thinking first. I feel like I annoy people and I talk to  much or I have an ego or something like that.
Because of these things and this self loathing I am deciding to go see a counselor or a therapist (depends on what NAU offers) to try to get some help. I don't want to go through bouts of depression anymore...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

History of the Islamic World and how the class went from AWESOME to OH dear god please shoot me now.

So this used to be one of my favorite classes and the reason why is because we had a great teacher lecture well and use power points to help guide us. Now we've got a dinosaur who literally reads from the text apparently has no idea how to use a power point and talks so slow that I want to gouge my eyes out. How can you expect someone to retain information if you are lecturing from a text book that we can read at home and do it in a manner where you drone on and on. I mean seriously. I firmly believe that students do not learn as well when they get bored. If they are engaged and bantering with the professor or entertained or intrigued by what they have to say (partially because he give more information than is on the power point which helps tremendously) then they learn better. Well this goes for most students.

How did we get stuck with an asshole who has no idea how to lecture? Well I'll tell you.
The professor who was teaching the class fell ill a few weeks ago. Unfortunately he probably will not return until next semester. Pity too. He's a really good professor who knows how to get the information across. Anyway there is an issue with one of his heart valves which really sucks for him as well as for us. So he is in the hospital. For the first couple weeks he was gone we had his lovely student teacher to help us out with the lectures (she gave us copies and the power points for them) and even help us study for the test. Not only is she lovely she is also quite a nice girl who unfortunately got stuck in a tough situation. Most of us were totally understanding because our old professor getting sick was not her fault. What control did she have? None. When asked what would help us study better some guy (we now call him "that guy" there is a story behind it I swear) He made some sort of suggestion (I actually don't remember what it was) but it was shot down (I think it had something to do with collaborating info on the online site we use for our college). it was shot down because the TA had specifically said that we are responsible for knowing the information individually or something along those lines. He swore at her mumbled something else and left. We all felt so bad for the TA and mentioned how none of us wanted to be "that guy".

The term "that guy" refers to a douchebag who obviously isn't mature enough to accept any other suggestion other than his own. This Douchebag was "that guy".

We all hate "that guy" now. We all roll our eyes when ever he opens his big fat mouth.

Okay I've gotten off topic.

I had to rant. Anyway long story short our teacher got sick and we have the head of the department teaching us. I appreciate his willingness to teach us the class. I just wish he would do it in a different manner. some manner that would help us more than make us fall asleep upon our desks. This isn't the stone age here. We are in the 21st century. Power points help out alot in this day and age.

Just saying.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Holy Crap!
This week has been crazy yo!
Anyway my gangstaness aside yes this week has been crazy. And next week will be just as crazy. For those of you who do not know I am part of the technical crew for the show at my university. A costumer to be exact. I make sure costumes are where they need to be make sure the actors have help with quick changes mend clean iron and fix costumes. you get the idea. So I've had alot of late nights a the school but do I regret it? Hell no! This is what I love doing! I love being a part of a show even if I am not an actor. Theater is still loads of fun and it is an amazing art when done well. The actors are fantastic at their roles and the crew is awesome because we just chill for the most part in this show. I don't really have many complaints about my craft...well one of my crafts. I hardly ever do...unless there is a diva actor (hey were all divas at some point I will admit) and when I mean diva actor I mean like a spoiled brat. Those actors bug me and I so want to smack them in the face. Anyway yeah crazy couple of weeks ahead. I will be sad/glad when it is over and I'll want to be a part of another show once I can relax a bit.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Art, Beauty, Expression, Inspiration

When I speak of art I do not just mean a sculpture, a painting, or a drawing. I mean all of that as well as music, photographs, theater, dance, traditional ceremonies, film, writing. You get the idea.
The artist can be defined as an incredibly talented person who dedicates the time and hard work to creating a beautiful work of art, be it a sculpture, music, literature, or a painting.
This person has dedicated years of work to mastering his craft, and deserve as much credit as any other professional in a field. They generally have a higher level of creativity and imagination.
However art is not limited to simply sculpture or music or literature or paintings.
Theater is an art
Film is an art.
Dance in any form is an art.
As is photography.
Anything can be considered an art.
People dedicate their body, heart, mind, and soul to their craft. Some people go to the extreme to show off their talent.
They either can fail miserably in life yet be a brilliant source of inspiration in death or they succeed and live on even after they are deceased. Either way artists are a source of inspiration for the masses.
Artists inspire me. I can see such passion and dedication to their work and when that is so apparent in any picture they take or anything they film, perform, or create they form a place in my mind, heart, body, and soul. Their passion is what drives them. And it is what drives me.
There is a unique beauty in art. Art, artists and beauty is all around us no matter where we may go or what we may see. Sometimes it is simplistic. Other times it is complex. And then there are times in how we interpret it.
I know this is very cliché but beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Something that someone may find ugly and hideous may be magnificent and beautiful to others.
There is a beauty within anything. Art especially.
As artists we see things in a way not many other people do. We can look at a piece of music or a landscape or a script and find something truly beautiful. The creator has expressed himself in such an imaginative way that speaks to the mind and senses.
I love that art, any art, speaks to my mind and senses. It goes even deeper than that. Art speaks to my soul. Sometimes it’s a painting, other times its music, maybe it’s a film or how an actor portrays a character, but most of the time it is a photograph. I love that artists can create something that their viewers can interpret in any way they choose.
I swear when I see a piece that speaks to me I feel a wave of euphoria wash over my entire being. Art is not only a physical act for me but it is a spiritual experience. It speaks to my soul. Within a piece of work I see or feel the emotion emanating from the work. I can laugh or cry or become angry upon viewing a work. I feel connected on a deeper level with it.
I wanted to share this with you because you inspire me greatly. Even the most miniscule thing can inspire me and I thank you for that. I don’t just thank you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and my soul for inspiring me to be passionate. For inspiring me to create. For inspiring me to see the joyous things in life even when the world has gone all topsy turvy.
I wish I could hug you and thank you personally for igniting this fire within me. 


Yeah when I started writing this it did not have a title. Lately things have been a bit crazy. My sleep pattern has sucked, my attention abilities have diminished and the lack of caffeine is starting to drive me nuts. But today today was an interesting day I have to admit. I passed by some of the billboards in the performing arts building and one of them simply said "take what you need" It had elements upon them such as understanding, beauty, freedom, peace etc. A lot of things have been ripped off but I was lucky enough to find a tab that said freedom. It really spoke to me more than anything else. Now if you talk to me and get to know me you know that I am an outgoing person and I can be very silly and extremely open. when you talk to me online over Facebook or whatever I am extremely open and you will know more about me than you want to know. Thats because there is a physical barrier between you and the person you are speaking to. You can't see them get angry or the emotions on their face or their body language. Its a little plastic bubble that protects you from hearing the inflection in their voice. Where as in person you are vulnerable and so are they. However in person there is a more intimate connection between you and who you are talking to. You can get a stronger connection or put up a wall. How does this relate tot eh word freedom? Sometimes I don't feel like I have the freedom to do so sometimes. I feel like if I say something I'll be given a weird look or people will be like what the fuck are you doing here. I really shouldn't because I rarely ever get that effect form people...unless they are a plastic little whore. You know what they look like. Fake tans, caked on makeup, straight ridiculous hairstyles and they talk in a nasal tone with upper inflection at the end of every sentence. The typical valley girl. Its those types of people that I know will not like me. Its artists I feel more open around. The artists the hippies, the gays, the lesbians, the outcasts, the nerds, you get the idea. I can relate to them more but sometimes even around them I am terribly shy at first. I feel like I'll get hit for doing or saying something wrong. I want to not be afraid of that. I want freedom from this shyness!
Why do I have to be so self conscious...I need to get over my insecurities and just dive in. No more second guessing! 
It is time for a change.   

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Warning! Mature Content! May be offensive or disturbing! Do not read if you are easily offended!


There are many forms of bondage; metaphorically and physically. Were going to talk about the physical.
Bondage is in a fetish known as BDSM. Bondage Dominance Sadomasochism. There are clubs dedicated to such a fetish as well as items available for purchase in sex shops so couples could practice at home. Some people like being tied up and dominated and others enjoy being dominated and punished.
Yes I'm saying that people get off on pain.
I am also saying that they also get off on being dominated or submitting to their partner.
And some people get off on dominating their partner.
There is such a rush that comes from being dominated. A rush and a helplessness. The sensation that you have no idea what is going to happen next or what will happen if you disobey is both very frightening and exciting at the same time. The fear of the unknown is highly apparent but its more exciting than anything especially if you trust your partner. If there is full trust between the both of you sessions can go easily and be highly pleasurable for both Master and Slave. The master trusts the slave enough to be obedient and submit to them. They don't just trust them to do so. They expect it. If the slave does not meet expectations punishment is administered. Now either the slave is defiant and disobeys because they enjoy punishment and become aroused by pain or they decide to be a good little slave and get a lighter less painful and more pleasurable reward. Or the Master decides to inflict pain upon them anyway for either sick pleasure. And sometimes the slave enjoys it.
But punishment doesn't necessarily have to involve master and slave roles. Just the dominant and submissive roles. Which I guess could be categorized as such save for the submissive partner is not saying yes master or no master or please master give me more. Nor is the dominant partner calling their submissive partner a slave.
People cane get off on pain. Being whipped, being cut, burned, or slapped. Personally I enjoy the sting of a whip on my flesh. I'm not sure how many other people do but I do. I also enjoy having candle wax poured upon my flesh as well. Then there is also being slapped on various parts other than the face. There is something about the sting of pain that can feel fantastic and vulnerable. It's okay to feel vulnerable around your partner. There shouldn't be any walls around when it comes to sex or pleasure or BDSM. Not physical walls at least.
My friend has practiced a rather intriguing trick on me. He does it every time I see him. He uses his nails or the sharp blade of a knife and gently scrapes it along my skin. Sometimes he digs his nails into my flesh leaving red marks and other times he just sits and traces the knife along my skin. Its a frightening thing having a blade at your flesh because you don't know at what moment it might stab or slash you, unless you or your partner know how to handle it and know how to pleasure with it. The trick to the knife technique is to know how gentle you need to be with the blade or how hard you can scrape against the skin without cutting your partner.  It also helps if trust is involved. It will not work if there is no trust involved.
Personally I want to explore a little more in this area. I feel that it will help me bring down some walls and build confidence in myself. If not explore practice a bit more. There are kinks I enjoy within it and kinks that I don't wish to venture into.
The point is I do enjoy a little bit of pain. I feel in control and yet not in control. Its empowering and relieving to have someone take control and manhandle you. In the end sometimes the results are amazing.
I just had this on my mind today (mostly because I am writing a piece with bondage involved between the characters) and I felt like I needed to share it. Yes I dabble in it. It's not a scary or freaky thing. I know I've dabbled in it.
I just wanted to share a more private part of my life. Yeah this isn't something I wouldn't normally post about but it was on my heart and I wanted to share it.
To some it may seem perverted and disgusting. To others it is a seems of freedom and empowerment. I find it fascinating. Like many things I find this fascinating.