Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Butt Lift

Deal with the title bitches. :D
Anyway *cough* I have embarked on a new physical journey for myself. Losing weight. 
Now I know that weight loss can be extremely easy for some or increasingly difficult for others. I think I'm in the middle range...maybe leaning a little towards the difficult side. I've always struggled with it. Anyway I have embarked on a journey that I believe if I stay with it and keep up with my routine that I will get the results I am looking for. 
I speak of a program called the Brazilian Butt Lift program. 
Yes they are in Brazil and yes the instructor who developed it is Brazilian. Well he's a tiny muscled Brazilian man with a lot of spirit. I kind of have to giggle but at least he has a positive attitude which is empowering and great. He's also the instructor and its kind of a nice change to see a guy leading a workout program rather than a perky female whom I want to smack. Unless its Jillian Michaels. That woman is truly amazing. More on that later. 
I was highly unsuccessful at getting through day one of the workout program. When I mean highly. I got through the first maybe thirty minutes of the workout that day and flopped on my floor like a bloated seal on a hot day. I kid you not everything from the top of my head to the tips of my toes were screaming, burning, and protesting in agony. I did try to get back up to continue but my body would not have it. It said "NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!" Yeah when I imagine my body screaming at me I often imagine it screaming at me in German like some nasty old Frau yelling at her good for nothing husband. I could barely walk or bring myself to stand after yesterday. Sweat was pouring down my body and I felt like I hand't really accomplished anything.. The soreness immediately faded away after a nice long hot shower but the sensation still lingered. I was texting a friend of mine about it and he was so encouraging about it. Today is a better day and today will         be a better day. I told him I would try again tomorrow and I will. I am going to see if I can survive the cardio workout on one of the dvds and maybe end up doing that for a couple of days until i build up some stamina so my muscles, heart and lungs don't start screaming at me in German again. 
I've always given  up easily on workout programs but this time I will stubbornly refuse. I want to slim down and tone up and feel better about my body. I don't feel healthy and I feel that this program (with some of the recipes for fat burning and healthy meals) will help me shed some of my unwanted fat and flab and reveal beautiful muscles that have been hiding away for so long. My body mind heart and soul will thank me for it. :) 

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