Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Poked, Prodded, and Tested

So this weekend I had the unfortunate experience of heading to the hospital. The experience itself wasn't horrible really but the fact that I had to go kind of gave a rocky start to my week.
So what happened was at about 3.30 on Sunday morning I started feeling a very sharp stabbing like pain in my right side in the area which I assumed was my ovary. I figured oh its no big deal it will go away after a while. Yeah no. I swear it was like someone had skewered my ovary and was twisting their dagger or sword or whatever pointy object in it. The pain started to radiate into my uterus and it just wouldn't stop. I sat down, I walked around, I laid down, curled into a ball, I tried everything to make the pain go away. Hell I even started begging God to take it away it hurt so bad. Nothing worked. The pain got so horrible that I felt so nauseous and I started to dry heave into the toilet. (I won't go into details about what else happened). So I ended up calling my parents, tell them whats going on and well they recommended that I head into the ER. So about 5.00 in the morning I drove myself to the ER. Shaking, sweating, crying and still in a lot of pain. By about 5.30 I got checked into the ER got into a bed and was checked on by an EMT and a few nurses who asked me what level my pain was and where it was, if I was pregnant, when was my last bleeding, yada yada yada. So at about 7.30 a nurse comes in and gets me hooked up to an IV which yeah it did hurt and was uncomfortable but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. But it did hurt and I ended up feeling very nauseous once he got some blood from me and got the IV inserted. Once I got morphine and was laying down with a few blankets over me I was fine. Tired, a tad loopy, and pretty talkative. Honestly I can't remember the intervals of time after this I just know my first test was a CT scan and the tech performing it was super friendly and was very informative about what I needed to do. Also asked if I had ever had any tests done before. Hell he even showed me what the IV tubing and needle looked like and how it was inserted. I found it super cool that it was a flexible plastic that allowed a person to move their arm. Course every time I moved mine it was a little uncomfortable but it wasn't so horrible. My pain at that point was basically a 1 or 2 where as it was like an 8 earlier in the day. Thank God and Odin for morphine eh? So I get onto the bed where it moves towards the machine to take pictures of my internal organs. I had to take a deep breath every time it told me to. The third time however, I swear I don't know what was inserted into my IV but I felt really warm...and it felt super warm down in my loins to the point where I thought I had pissed myself, however the tech did warn me about that and I found the sensation to be highly amusing. I was warm and I felt like I was taking a leak when I really wasn't. The entire process took about five minutes and soon I was wheeled back to my room. Later my doctor came in, asked how I was feeling, and then proceeded to let me know that my tests were normal save for a higher white blood cell count. So I was then told I was going to get an ultrasound, a possible internal ultrasound, and a pelvic exam. I was so doped up on morphine that I gave a thumbs up and said "Do whatever you need to" with a bit of a smile on my face. So I ended up being wheeled in a wheelchair to get my ultrasound done and I was pleasantly surprised to find the gel to be warm instead of cold. The only bad part was I had to pee so bad and every time the wand pressed down on my bladder I had to clench my muscles in order to hold it in. Thankfully by the time she needed to do the internal ultrasound I had properly emptied my bladder and gotten situated. Then she took an internal ultrasound (No I won't go into details. I'm sure you can imagine what happened here.) And once that was done I was once again wheeled back to my room. not two minutes later my doctor and a nurse came in (thank Odin they were female) to do a pelvic exam. Ladies you know exactly what they do. Took no more than five minutes. Once that was done I was laying down and situated in the bed again. Now between nurses checking on me and the tests I was given, I slept because Lord knows I did not sleep well that night. I slept for a good hour after all the testing was completed and soon I was notified that everything was normal, save for a higher white blood count. They gave me the theory that it was an infection. By 11.00 I was out of the ER and headed to my grandmothers house. She is a saint for taking me to her house so I could sleep. I was still very groggy after sleeping the day through and soon I was taken home to my apartment where I proceeded to order a pizza and veg. I ended up going to bed at 20.00 that night. I was still hungover the next morning.
I must say even though I had to go to the ER for something so minor I was well taken care of by the staff and I may have been poked, prodded, drugged and tested for things the whole experience wasn't so bad. :)
I am fine now but I'm keeping an eye on certain things just in case.
Ciao for now!

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